Funeral Folk: nuove uscite

ff19 > Ice Bird Spiral - Psychiatmc Bloems (cs/5 neuro)

This 30 minute tape is like listening to NWW and Biohazard intros in a
dentist seat, or a delay-drenched Yeovilian version of De Fabriek.
Bizaradelia freak-out. They played an amazing show at the recent Kraak
festival. These guys need to end up in everyone's tape deck and exotic
dreams about hippie communes on Saturn in 2035! (66 copies)

ff20 > As Zeik - s/t (cs/5 neuro)

Bunch of drunks from Maldegem obsessed with violent no wave punk improv.
Like Los Lamarada jamming with Harry Pussy and Slant 6 after 666
Westmalles. (44 copies)

ff 21 > Blood Sabbath (cdr/5 neuro)

20-minute soundtrack edit from this obscure 70s movie about witchcraft.
Ritualistic percussion, psych funk and creepy organs. Starring Dyanne

* * *

- 23-3-2009

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