Ikuisuus Records: nuove uscite

TACO BELLS: Vadelma/Hawaii LP *** (iku-018)

"I am an envious man.I’ve always wanted to be a musician. How great it must be just to beable to pick up an instrument and make something useful out of it. ButI lack the discipline, I’m a lazy bastard.But, you know, in the end it’s not that important HOW you play, itcomes down to WHAT you play. Can you make people feel what you feel?Can you make a sound that’s part of the very YOU? Hell, are you braveenough to bare a little bit of your SOUL?In my books, THAT is a musician. The rest are just tools for somebodyelse’s visions, some hired hands, a pick-up band for Chuck Berry.Useful people, yes, but there’s no connection. ”I just work here”, ifyou know what I mean.These guys can play for REAL. There’s some genuine emotion going onhere, it’s a goddamn microcosmos of feeling waiting for you. No, dropthe micro-, that’s making it sound like an understatement – how manyexpressions can one face make? It’s all here.And what makes my heart really bleed is the sense of TRUST I hear,loud and clear. It’s that thing that only comes when you know that theother guy’s got your back no matter what. You can just ride the wildsurf, he’ll be there if you fall – he’s Rambo. THAT is a musician.These are good people.And so I say, from the bottom of my green-with-envy heart:Fuck you, guys. You did it." - Tyrone D.C. Washington


KEIJO: Songs Of Luck CD *** (iku-020)

Keijo's songs draw from country-blues sources,as is often the case with his releases, there's a couple of WoodyGuthrie interpretations included here.Harmonicas whine and woe, but also keep up the rhythm of keepin' on.In these songs, people get up early and travel in a land "that used tobe your land."It's a place where luck comes and goes, just like the people that you meet.The girl knows how to hit you like rolling thunder,the workers are left unpaid (the boss ain't),the ones with no work are standing in the welfare line,your "true love" throws you a suitcase and shows you the door,there's working in the country and in the cities,an anonymous wanderer carries the blues wherever he goes- but it's bigger than just being down:you don't see me worrying, 'cos I've got nothing left to lose.That's why we all share the blues.


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- 11-1-2010

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