Posset: nuova uscita

POSSET - 'Friction Rivers'

Limited cassette from this North of England tapes/noise/vocals/instants composer: Posset toured with Bill Orcutt when he was over in the UK and although their working strategies are pretty far removed there’s some semblance of a connection in the convulsive nature of their approach to sound-as-thought, with Posset spooling through damaged vocal improvisations and crunky tape work with alla the furious start/stop epiglottal fury of your favourite hiccupping guitarist. But there’s a whole lot more here too. Some of the woozier pieces recall a Ghedalia Tazartes in full-on fourth world ghost style plus some of the constructions feel closer to sound sculpture than tape abuse, with small vibrating structures that vibrate with the off-kilter lifeforce of a Harry Bertoia or a Harry Partch.

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- 7-2-2014

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